Vancouver Island Soccer for Young Athletes
The Mid-Isle Soccer Club, based in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, is a member of the Upper [Vancouver] Island Youth Soccer Association.
We are a not-for-profit, volunteer-operated club whose mission is to foster a lifelong love of soccer in our youth members and to provide and promote the benefits of team sports and a healthy lifestyle.
Our club offers youth soccer programming to young athletes in our community, as well as a Men's and Women's program. Our season begins in September and runs through March (with a holiday break in late December). We hope you can join us!
Registration opens late Spring and closes early Fall. Membership fees are kept at affordable levels, and financial assistance is available if required.
Forrest Field - Ladysmith, BC

Latest News
Please bear with us as we get registrations and teams sorted! All players should hear from their coaches within the week! House games start September 14 Rep games start September 8
Spring Registration!
Spring Soccer Registration is now open! U12-18 Technical Training – Mondays starting April 8-June 10 6-8pm at Forrest Field U8-11 Technical Training – Saturdays starting April 6-June 8 8:30-10am at Forrest Field U12/13 Skill Centre- Practices Tuesday starting April 2-June 15 7-8:30pm at Forrest Field. Games Saturdays
Thank you to Fraternal Order of Eagles
Mid-Isle Soccer is fortunate to have such generous support from the Fraternal Order of Eagles #2101 !
Thank you Ladysmith Lions
Mid-Isle Soccer is fortunate to have such generous support from the Ladysmith Lions Club!
The mid Isle U10 boys select team recently took part in the mini World Cup up in Comox May 14&15. The boys represented team Mexico and played 4 games over the two days. Weather was not the greatest however that did not stop the team from playing hard, getting results but most importantly having fun! […]
Be The “Best Fan You Can Be”
UISA (Upper Island Soccer Association) in which Mid Isle Soccer is a member of has a “Best Fans Ever” Goal A reminder for all our soccer families of our “Best Fans Ever” Goal for all our teams this season, no matter what age or what level of soccer: No Coaching From the Sidelines!