Vancouver Island Soccer for Young Athletes

Financial Assistance

How to Apply for Financial Assistance

There are a number of financial assistance programs for kids in sport, but the ones that we find work the best are the two shown below - JumpStart and KidSport.

If you need financial assistance with your registration fees, first please apply to one or both of the programs listed below - THEN please take a picture of the completed application form or confirmation receipt and upload it in the "Mid-Isle Alternate Registration Form" found at the bottom of this page.

This will allow you to complete your player registration - and allow us to put your son or daughter on a team - while we wait for your financial assistance application to be considered.

Step 1: Fill out an Application for a Program

KidSport BC

Our mission remains the same: to remove the financial barriers that prevent some children from playing organized sport! We believe that every child should have the opportunity to experience the joys of a season of sport.

Abundant research exists that proves sport participation enhances academic performance, improves health and develops valuable life skills in the areas of teamwork, socialization, goal setting and time management.

JumpStart BC

Jumpstart is more than just about getting kids active. It’s about giving kids from families in financial need the same chance to participate as their neighbours, their classmates and their friends.

Whether it’s the chance to try a new sport or to continue with a favourite one, no kid should be left out.

Canadian Tire Corporation is JumpStart’s biggest supporter, as it funds all the general administrative expenses of Jumpstart, which means 100% of customer donations go directly to help kids in need.

Step 2: Take a Picture/Screenshot of your Completed Application Form and Confirmation Receipt

Make sure you have the picture or screenshot saved as a file that you can email to